Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How is it already December 17th?! Tomorrow is my third week here in Korea already and it doesn’t seem possible. I got a call from my dear friend Jaime who arrived in Daegu today, so I will be taking my first big adventure on the train to Daegu Friday to spend the weekend with her. We’re hoping to explore the downtown area of Daegu a bit and just get to know the area she’s in... so I’m definitely looking forward to it.

My goal now is to feel better so I’ll have energy for the weekend. I caught my first cold (everyone I’m teaching with has been sick this past week... and now it’s my turn.) So I’m super thankful that my Aunt Sarah gave me her super amazing tea concoctions before I left because they’re saving me right now. I think it’s been a mix between everyone else being sick, my body adjusting to a new sleep pattern, and the fact that I pulled an all-nighter this past Saturday night (which was totally worth this cold by the way.) I got to see the sunrise at Haeundae beach, which I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity to do during my first three weeks here.

This weekend was a last farewell get-together for one of the girls at our branch who leaves tomorrow morning, so we went all out and did dinner together, and then there was a dance club called Maktum, then I hung out at a casino for a bit (which is nothing like I know American casinos to be... here they’re quiet like a library and you aren’t suppose to shout when you win.. odd, but relaxing) After leaving the casino I spent three hours walking around the beach area and discovered that people are up at the crack of dawn to sell the fresh catch of the day... there were big plastic buckets filled with octopus (yes they eat it, and yes it’s still moving when they eat it... no thanks) as well as crabs, some ugly looking fish with an under bite, and these squirmy slimy eel-looking things. Very interesting.

So anyways, I slept all day Sunday in time to eat dinner and then go back to bed until Monday morning... but I still haven’t quite recovered.

sooo... I’ve been living off of peanut butter, apples, bananas, apple-pears (it’s a Korean thing), eggs and toast. Well, these are the things I have in my apartment as of right now... but I have been able to go out to eat quite a bit. A place called Starface owned by an Aussie who likes to chat it up with the foreigners who come through. Another place is called Sunset Lounge which is described as a Western style bar (yes that means North America) which plays any football or hockey game you want to watch from back home, and the last popular place I’ve been is Korean Barbeque also known as “galbie” I know the spelling is wrong, but that’s how it sounds. I’ve eaten galbie at a few different places and it’s always great. Usually pork.. it’s like the Korean version of bacon, but thicker... and it comes with sides like garlic, kimchi, green onions, soy bean paste (my fav), and salad leaves (that you use to wrap up your ingredients of choice) When I come home, I will miss this food.

Teaching is still going well, but I think the kids are beginning to see me as a softy. (There just so cute... it’s hard not to give in!) I still haven’t given anyone “Jeshi” (pronounced: Jay- shee) which is like detention. But tomorrow I buckle down... or that’s the plan anyway. If I’m still sick enough maybe I’ll be grumpy enough to show no mercy...

So far my favorite class is an I7 class with three girls and one boy. They’re around 11 or 12 I’d guess, but they’re always asking questions and interested in learning other words/ phrases related to the lessons... or just during warm ups and review at the beginning of class, they have questions about how America is different and if I have learned any Korean words. We’re not allowed to speak any Korean in the classroom, but it’s always fun to sneak in a few words. (You become a cool teacher when you do this... but shhh... I never told you this.)

Oh! Also, new news! I got my alien card today, so tomorrow I’ll have a bank account... which means soon I can have a cellphone and wireless at my apartment!!! Whoo Hoo! To be connected with the world once again! In Temple, Maine I didn’t really have a problem being disconnected for a while.. but in a different country... well... it’s nice to have the option to communicate.

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